Functional Fitness - Complete Bodyweight Program

The Quarantine Functional Fitness E-Book

· Workouts will require you to download the app called “WOD Timer”, absolutely free.

· Goal is to challenge yourself mentally and physically.

· Be able to successfully complete the workout.

· Don’t scale too low or too high (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.)

· You will get faster, stronger, and improve muscular endurance.

· May combine workouts if needed.

· YouTube exercises if you are uncertain what it consists of.

Ice Breaker: 1000 Rep Killer

· 100 Pushups

· 100 Air Squats

· 100 Mountain Climbers

· 100 Dips (Use a bed, couch, table and face away and put feet on a laundry basket. Be sure to keep a natural range of motion.)

· 100 Burpees

· 100 Crunches

· 100 Split Jumps

· 100 Diamond Pushups

· 100 Box-jumps (bench, bed, and anything with solid foundation.)

· 100 Flutter Kicks

· There is no time limit for this. Complete each exercise before moving to the next

Workout Number Two:

Cardio:15 minutes of 60 second sprints, and 120 seconds of fast tempo walk.

Chin up/ Knee up (All in one motion. Use tree branch if applicable.)

· 6 sets - 6 reps

· 60 seconds rest in between sets

Slick Floor Bridge Curls

· 3 sets 10 reps

· 60 seconds rest between sets

1-Legged Levitation Squats (Both Legs)

· 5 sets 5 reps

· 60 seconds rest between sets

Ballistic Pushups

· 3 sets 15 reps

· 60 seconds rest in between

Glute Bridge Thrust

· 100 reps total. Slow and contract.

Workout Number Three:

Cardio: 15 minutes of 60 second sprints, and 120 seconds of fast tempo walk.

10 Minutes of Hell:

· 10 minutes straight of exercises listed below. Move from one exercise when fatigued to another exercise.

· Wall-sits (keep legs, shoulder length and at 90* with back parallel with wall)

· Push-up position (keep midsection tight, with zero slouch)

· Plank (keep midsection tight, with zero slouch)

Half Turkish Getups (Keep legs slightly bent, and reach towards sky with arm parallel to neck. Use gallon water, milk or canteen. Do not fully stand up)

· Left arm 3 sets 10 reps

· Right arm 3 sets 10 reps

· 60 seconds rest in between after both arms

Workout Number Four:

30 Minutes Active Recovery. Walk, Jog, or Run.

Conditioning Drill:

· 20 seconds push ups, 10 seconds rest

· 20 seconds Diamond pushups

· 10 seconds rest

· 20 seconds Wide pushups

· 10 seconds rest

· 20 seconds shoulder width pushups

· 10 seconds rest

· 20 seconds inclined pushups (prop feet on bed, couch, or table)

· 10 seconds rest

· 20 seconds knee ballistic pushups

Core Work:

· Rolling Planks - 3 sets, 10 reps each side, and 60 seconds rest in between

· Abdominal Hip Thrust - 3 sets, 10 reps, and 60 seconds rest in between

· 1 Minute Star Plank (keep midsection tight)

Workout Number Five:

· Pyramid Lunges (1 lunge each leg makes the count)

· 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, -9, -8.....30 seconds rest between each set

Run 5 minutes 70% of full sprint

· Pyramid Air Squats

· 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, -9, -8....30 seconds rest between each set

Run 5 minutes 70% of full sprint

Spartan 300- two rounds without rest

· Reverse Crunch x 15

· Leg Overs x 15- (vertically up, vertical down)

· Back Scratchers x 30- (two count)

· Bicycles x 30- (two count)

· Alternate Side Crunches x 15 (each side)

· Oblique Side Crunches x 15 (each side)

2 Minute Plank

Workout Number Six:


· One Mile Run

· 100 pull ups (If tree branch is available)


· 200 pushups

· 300 air squats

· One mile run

· No time limit, just keep pushing through.

Workout Number Seven:

Deck of Cards:

· Instructions:

o Joker = 30 sec rest

o Ace = 25 sec rest

o Face Cards = 20 sec res

o Number Cards = Number on card

· Exercises:

o Spades = Crunches

o Diamonds = Pushups

o Club = Burpees

o Hearts = Air Squats


· 30 seconds rest between cards

· Complete whole pack

Workout Number Eight:

Ruck 30 minutes out, 30 minutes back - (Fast paced walk)

· Regular size backpack

· Bottom of pack pack, put blanket and or pillows.

· Put shoes, gallon water, books, or rice at top to keep weight high and tight against your upper back.

· Backpack should feel 30-40lbs.

· This targets every muscle group and is a great aerobic workout.

Workout Number Nine:

Pushup Circuit:

· 5 ballistic pushups

· 10 diamond pushups

· 15 regular pushups

· 10 reset pushups

· 5 dive bombers

· Work towards no more than 30 seconds between each exercise

Two Minute Rest

Core work:

· 25 Butterfly Sit-ups

· 25 2- count flutter kicks

· 25 Hello Dollys

Three Rounds Total

30 minutes active recovery. Walk, jog, or run

Workout Number Ten:

Open WOD Timer app:

· Click EMOM

· Set timer for 30 minutes

· 30 minutes EMOM

o 2 Burpees

o 3 Sit-ups

o 5 Pushups

By minute 10, you should be gasping for air. Just take one round at a time.

Complete and Continue  